Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Sairam. Suprabhat. 😌🙏🌺
Wed, Jul 8, 2020

Pandemic blues in peak. All confined to homes and advised not to stir out. In the first two months all became hyper active in social media and many e-inhabited there only. Blindly 'forwarding' Buddha quotes to Corona cure all and sundries. Nearly all deities' eDarshan over. SuVichar streams about to dry.
So much absorbed into handsets, only occasionally lifted head to look at folks at home for eats. Now, all nearly outgrew that pastime. FB/WA/TW excite no more like before. In Mumbai lingo Puck gaya. Baar baar wahi ?

Corona is likely to hang around a couple of months more. Till it finishes the left over tasks in its ToDo list.

Time to build our own agenda. And improve our lot. Else we will turn nerds and netizens beyond redemption. Losing the human potential, yet to be actualised.

Time to revisit ourselves. Draw own agenda. And delve deep to lift our own spirits.

As everything is a matter of P'erception, we need to overhaul the P factor. Time to look at the limitations of Science and move on to newer frontiers for better harvest of Well being. Over dependence on 'matter' and it's associated empirical evidence, lab tests, scientific scrutiny etc should no more be limiting factor for understanding the 'Truth' that defies them apparently many times.

Everything can not be lab tested. Like, the elusive mind and its thoughts, the Non-matter stuff. In Subtle space. But the non-matter mind only governs the 'matter' body. Subjugated, the limbs of the body obey minds commands. Till date, Science couldn't fix the location of mind in the body. Nor could it deny it's existence. Same way, neither it could define 'life-force' that animates the body. Nor define death - Cessation of heartbeat? Brain? Same applies to time and space. Ask them when did the 'Time' start. Before that what? Where does the space end. After that What?

Allow Science it's space to evolve and catch up with Creation and it's algorithms. Like it took a while for Science of the day to accept that the earth is round. And Sun doesn't really rise or set. While Scriptures could predict even future eclipses precisely by intuition.

Yes. Energy governs matter. Energy is subtle. Invisible power. It is boundless in universe. Spiritually tagged as Shakti.
Shift base from 'Matter' to 'Energy'. And it's derivatives.

In this Corona gifted lockdown, social distanced from rest of the world, baite baite soch sakte hain.Thats not banned in lockdown. Huge privilege.

Challenge every hard coded perception of the mind. Intuitively explore. Before lockdown is lifted, acquire some self-inquired wisdom. That can sustain rest of the life. Leave gross matter and it's attributes. Accessible by sense organs. Denied if not. Their days are over. Even Science is deep into quantum stuff and is struggling with Higgs boson and quantum excitation. Move beyond that. And land in the beautiful world of Spirit - Spirituality. Energy divine. India is full of it. Masters n Masters all around since ages. Choose any genuine master and climb up to the peak. Your best.

Focus and concentration are important to get more out of the same. Like, in Science, a device that generates an intense beam of coherent amplified light by a stimulated emission of photons from excited atoms can drill and cut metals. Read barcodes, play CDs etc. Simply called LASER.( Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).
Catch phrases - Intense, coherent, amplified, stimulated.. Do the same to the mind. And it can unfold a huge bhandaar of energy packs that can pierce even the toughest. Spirituality holds the key. Switch. Go beyond Science.

In Spirituality everything is intuitively revealed. Like Vedas. Mere revelations by realised Masters who chose to be anonymous. Intuitively we know so much. Like, when a foreigner asked Ramana Maharishi "Where is the seat of 'Self'. He showed the centre near Solar plexus. When the questioner threw a disbelieving look, the Maharishi threw a pencil and asked a child in the audience to bring it. He asked the child who brought the Pencil. The Child put her palm on the solar plexus and told "I brought it". The Maharishi asked the foreigner to think over that response. The child's legs moved, eyes saw and hand picked. But it showed the middle near the heart and said " 'I' brought it. It intuitively knew that it was the seat of I. Stunned by this revelation and the way it was demonstrated, the foreigner readily agreed.
Spirituality can invoke, stimulate and amplify that intuition, latent in everyone. And enable you to get a Laser-like cutting edge.
Spirituality is experience driven. Inexplicable to the uninitiated. It can turn an uneducated Maruti from Kolhapur rolling beedies into Nisargadatta Maharaj, drawing a Bank chairman Ramesh Balsekar and many foreigners like the legendary Maurice Frydman, as his disciples and give the world a best seller - "I am That".

Go after that elating super experience. Which only Spirituality can give. Discard the Verbiage junk. Stay away from Articulation artists who can sway opinions of the weak by verbal gymnastics. WordSmiths who can trick you into believing the fake as Real.

How long can we do Jay walking across Social media e-streets calling it great fun. There is a real life to be lived beyond that. Go after authentic real experience in Spiritual domain. Science will come seeking behind. Quantum Jumping.

Where to start, did you ask.
Yes.. You guessed it right.

Pray. Chant. Meditate

Slowly cross all perceptional barriers inside. Become boundless. Witness the energy bursting forth endlessly.
It is the same energy in Microcasm and Macrocasm. That which animates atoms and celestial bodies at once.

See the Spiritual wisdom blossoming inside.That holds the key for Peace and harmony in our lives. With that, Self actualise. Your best, that is. Aur kya chahiye .

Sairam 😊🙏🌺
# R.Chandrashekar

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