Sunday, June 30, 2024



Monday, July 20, 2020

Across the world, there is an unprecedented crisis. Economic downturn is a fait accompli.. What else can we expect when we are on a survival-of-the-fittest mode.
But the added dimension in India is our same-side-Goalers. The so called intellectuals of the country armed with abundant knowledge, playing foul due to selfish motives running counter to the welfare of all. What can one Modi do when so many supposed to fight the enemy with him are all the time attempting to pull him down. It's not the enemy that causes concern. But the same-side-goalers of our Team India. Aiding them unconsciously are the Purveyors of Panic. Instead of cheering up during the bad time, they pour oil on fire. How else can you explain the latest outbursts of Subr Swami endowed with incredible skill to sue all and sundries with impeccable accuracy. His latest potshots at FM and RBI Gov only aid the enemy camp. Our RaGa has to only copy paste n gloat over the failure of Govt.
Ok. Then what?. Morons again to mess up?. Swami certainly lost his equilibirium, Ok. He was sidelined and his fund of knowledge ignored. So, harm the country for that? Then how is he different. Even Lord Rama was sidelined. And even sent to forest. He never condemned Dasarath or criticised govt of Bharath. But instead showed the world how in dire crisis also one can be righteous to the core. His life became so glorious, millennia later, a Ramanand sagar could make 78 episodes and get riveted audience, making tons of money. But Subr Swami while instrumental in winning the Ram mandir case by shifting the narrative in the temple case from 'title of land' to 'faith', lost the plot while avenging his personal loss of not being chosen for cabinet by Modi. Big slip. Self interest briefly scored over public welfare.

Our bad luck at play. Even our own generals make us cry Et Tu Brute?

Anyway we need WhatsApp Cheer leaders. If not dancing to entertain, keep posting only good n positive messages.

In the days to come, we will bottom out. Go to the nadir and feel breathless. But that too will pass. There are many greenshoots. Take selfies with them and post. Keep cheering up.

Many senior citizens, laymen without intricate knowledge of economics, people of other domains not knowing much about this economic crisis et al are terribly scared by the bombardment of negative news. Day in and day out.

Need to cool down a bit.
Yes. Eight core industries registered sharply negative—(-)38.1% growth. But that doesn't mean our potential to grow is lost.

Such negatives are unavoidable in closed shop scenario. When entire immune system of a body is getting compromised, no surprise if ailments increase one by one. But need not spell death yet.

There is hope. The country is in safe hands. Our great think tank in command, even minus Subr Swami, is good enough to steer clear of the mess after this mega storm is over.

Develop faith. Have hope. India miraculousely bounced back many times in past in worse crisis than this.

Just 100 yrs ago, in Swedish flu, in India, more than 2 cr people died. Bodies on the street with some eaten away by jackals, they say.
But it survived. No big time depression leading to breakdown among survivors, reported. May be because, no WhatsApp then to precipitate that.

We have a responsibility. We owe it to the society. Deploy all the skills and technological prowess at our command, only for the welfare of mankind.

Don't make the boring good morning messages look better than our deeply negative postings, however well researched.

It is not necessarily a relief if one is accurately informed about the unavoidable impending disaster.
It's like a person falling from 50th tower and the beeping gadget in his pocket updates him with voice prompts - "Now you are crossing 42nd flr Johnny, now 35th floor .. Expected time of hitting the floor 5.3 secs etc".At the most the Johnny will have a well informed death. But die he will.

Avoid reading the senseless negative analytics unless you are of the domain. Can't get to their bottom n apply the outcome to benefit. Leave it to the experts.

Spread positive vibes. Many are already slipping into depression mode losing all hope due to constant stream of bad news.

Be a Cheer leader in WA/FB/TW. Spread a good word or two to boost their morale. Cheer them up.

And a Hope Jockey. of your neighbourhood. Keep pep talking. Instil Joy. Fun.

Great days are ahead for India. The present eco performance may be bad. But the huge hidden potential will surface after 2021. China will be tamed. Tucking it's dragon tail between two legs. Pak will become dormant. Limbo. It's own toxicity will do them in. Again India will regain its glory.
Don't ever doubt that. All Gods up there are working away at it. Giving finishing touches .. Just a hop n jump and we are there. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒบ

Blog :
Sairam. Suprabat. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Œ๐ŸŒบ
Sun Jul 19, 2020

Hold your breath. It's a long haul. Sunday edition. ๐Ÿค”

Corona is wreaking havoc. Like a cricketer in his form, it's breaking it's own earlier record of destruction everyday. 

Alongside death and devastation, another unintended byproduct of Corona, on the positive side though, is Introspection. Talk to any veggie vendor or a milk maid. All seem to be slipping into some stupor introspectively. Mouthing philosophical lines. Cool. 
It could be a conceptual counter attack on Corona, instinctively delivered, to neutralise the fear induced by it. 

Good to revisit our inside and find pearls of wisdom lying untouched. Like Trivandrum temple vaults with treasure hidden . _Apna hi andhar ki_ 
stuff unknown to us. 

Whichever way we look at this Covid induced introspection, it sounds like the oft beaten cliche -'The Idea whose time has come'. 

So, it's introspection. Whose time has at last come. To get clarity on all confounded concepts pickled inside us. Resolution of them could come as logical next. 

Start from top down, to figure out the most confusing one that cries for clarity.
Feed the parameters. Most Confusing. Complex. Paradoxical. Difficult to stomach. etc etc
Now shake well and leave. And see what comes up. 
OMG it's "God". Yes. 'God' is the most intriguing misunderstood phenomenon that remain beyond our grasp. And our knowledge deficit on G causes utmost confusion. Atleast if that's resolved, _baite baite_ during lockdown, thanks to Corona, _aur kya chahiye_. 

So, it's 'God'. Ok.
There is a rigid dichotomy between Science and Spirituality. While praying internally to unknown God, most externally vote for Science, that doesn't accept Him openly. This unresolved เคฆ्เคตैเคคा is at the root of all confusions. We want scientifically proven God with empirical evidence. Which is a theoretical impossibility. And that accounts for the perennial confusion. 

Added to that, our mind questions God, post every tragedy. All those who visibly pray, are not saved in every crisis. Almost in every vehicle in a major accident, some God's pic is dangling inside. Has God failed in His duty to protect it from accident ? Then leave na! But the next min same questioning bandha again at His feet. So two conflicting views co-exist. Paradoxical. Need one time settlement, as they say in courts. 

For any majorly different outcome, we need to radically change. With same mindset we will get same or similar output only. So, let us attempt to radically alter by challenging ourselves within us. What stands this scrutiny only should be allowed to stay. 

Yes. We have vague, apparently conflicting concepts about God. While mouthing freely, as though it is our discovery, that 'All Gods are same, Sarva dharma sama bhavana' etc. _Teek hai,_ if coming out of own experience fine. But for us even all Balajis and all Ganpathis are not same. If so, why do we leave our nearest Balaji temple ( say, in Nerul) and go to Tirupathi, struggle in line to get darshan of same Balaji 1000s of kms away. Same with Ganpathi and other deities. Why leave neighbourhood Ganpathi and go all the way to Titwala Ganpathi. And so on. When we can't see same Balaji or Ganpathi between two temples though they carry same deity's name, how can we profess to outside world that all Gods are same.

We learnt to live compromisingly  with paradoxes. And at the wrong time they show up robustly and water down our faith, putting up contra arguments. 
Look at this Corona panic. The educated city folks struggle with faith n fear, not reconciling. Whereas the village folks go about their routine leaving it to their _ishta devta_ to take care. Mauli. Mauli. That's how as shown in the viralling video,  a Varkari not allowed by police due to lockdown, looks at the policeman with hands on his hip, perceived him as Vittal Himself, did Namaskar and returned. Can we, the angrezi afflicted cityfolks even imagine that _bhavna_? 

Yes. All our major internal conflicts originate from the confused God concepts. In lower standards we never ventured to know Algebra, despite our elder siblings loudly discussing it with struggling Moms. We only knew it's very homework unfriendly and stayed away, telling ourselves that we would take it up when we are ready for it in later standards. 

Same with God. Another Algebra. Not easy to explain. But our ego won't let go and mishandles it with own misinterpretations. Ask any one the name of their own ward councillor who governs him daily as the nearest government agent. Most have no clue. "I don't know" comes out easily. Ask anyone the name of Governor of nearest state. Most have no issues saying "I don't know" again. Ego doesn't hurt. Cool. But ask about 'God'. Everyone jumps on it and pass judgements - Who is God and who is not God etc. Ego game. Even so called seers succumb to this. One of the current Shankaracharyas suddenly woke up and controversially ran down Shirdi Sai as unGodly. 

For deciding Who is God and who is not, everyone and his uncle turns a self appointed single bench judge and pass judgements left right and centre. 

God also has a problem. Those days rarely some one like Hiranya kashipu popped up in a corner, defying God causing damage to His reputation. And He could emerge breaking a pillar and settle scores with him. He did it so immaculately that even today, Narasimha avatar is reverentially remembered with associated shlokas by animated Aiyengars. Cool. 

But now, the damage caused to God concept, is by innumerable sameside goalers. No need for non believers like Hiranya kashipus. Confused faith kills faster than non-faith. In non- faith atleast there is clarity. No God. 

That explains why in this Corona crisis, many believers are not able to pray with total faith. _Ganpathi Agar nahi bachaya tho.. let there be a back up with Hanuman_. Endless _Paagalpan_ . There are many 'benched' Gods for poor performance of not saving, waiting for another chance. 

But God has a major logistical issue. For damagers of His reputation now, He can't break the Pillars and appear again.  Multiple targets. B2C. If God repeats doing Narasimha again, all roofs will fall Pillarless. 

It's not to trivialise God. But laughing at the ignorant kids' handling Algebra, passing own judgements on what a certain equation means, when not yet ready. 

What's wrong in accepting that we don't know about God. Like we said about our ward councillor or Governor of Gujarat. "I don't know" is the right answer. 

"I-dont-know" coming from one's heart is the first wisdom byte after self realisation attempt starts. 

When we decide to speak from experience only, most items in our agenda to speak will drop. And 'God' will be the first one to go. 

Start elsewhere. Elementary. Doable. Little sums. Using little fingers. Within grasp of mind. Then scale up and reach God in logical progression. Unless you are a born child prodigy having finished all these home work in previous births. And just arrived to live out the results. 

Start with 'Discipline'. And 'Commitment' to whatever tasks undertaken. They are God-neutral. Irrespective of  whether you believe in God or not, they reward. And that partly explains the success of even underworld ventures. Evil. Disgusting. But well lubricated network with dedicated workforce function well in underground. No paper work. Stamped Receipt etc. But they carry out hawala with near zero default. Likewise many other crimes. It's not to glorify or justify criminals. Wish all of them could be liquidated in one go and society sanitised once for all. 
But those are blokes who learnt the truth about what works for efficient results. Neatly executed crimes prove that they remain ultra disciplined ( LTTE), do the homework meticulously with dedication ( Dry run on another VIP preceded Rajiv assassination), utter obedience to the Master (Every gangster enjoys it) , never default on commitments (Hawala). And so on. 

Then no surprise, why Crime World subsists for eons without getting eradicated totally. Certain misapplied Values, practiced diligently even in evil world, works. 
There are lessons to be learnt even from evil. Like Lord Ram asked Laxmana to go to Ravana grounded on the other side  lying in death bed and learn from him certain life lessons. 

Now look at the opposite side of evil. _Bhagwan ke bandhe_. Take a spiritually oriented NGO. Look at the casualness when they are in bhajan. See how most are non participative. Hardly clapping, as the bhajan is on. Where is the dedication. Commitment to God. Watered down. They come to bhajans and temples when there is nothing else to do. Then why God should not pay back in same token when they cry for help " I will respond the same way. If nothing else to do , I will attend to you."
Clearly, there we lose the plot. 

When any technology product arrives, crime world gets it first and gets trained. Cell phones landed in cells first in the hands of VIP prisoners. Every criminal is tech savvy today. And we in the virtuous world, struggle to know all buttons in the phone even after years of use. 

We are not serious about our pursuit of God. So very little known about Him. Or Her. But we form misconeption pools around that and wallow in it endlessly. Pain. Anguish follow when God doesn't respond. 

Ok. The take aways are - 

Till we 'realise' God no point discussing Him with others. 

Learn from enemies too. And the evil kingdom. Like Lord Rama said. See how they remain disciplined, efficient and committed to their Masters. All to destroy. 
If so, how more disciplined, more efficient and more committed we should be for doing good work. And still more  if it's God's work. 

Start with discipline and commitment. In every chosen noble task. Don't bring in God in scene one. And mess up. He will happen later on its own. 
Get a robust character built up. 

Start with simple doable steps towards Godhead. Like..At a pre fixed time, sit with certain discipline. And... haan.. 

*Pray. Chant. Meditate* 

Yes. At Commitment time. In a disciplined manner. 

Slowly all other virtues will tag along, uninvited. And snowball into reaching critical mass. 
Then sudden burst of Light! In that, only Godliness pervades. Every thought and action in that state will be saffused with G.

Now  Say 'Dasoham.. Dasoham' and become miniscule. Micro. 
And pass thru all. 

Then say 
'Shivoham.. Shivoham'.. and become huge. Macro. 
And encompass all. 
Realize that you are both. The microcasm and the macrocasm at once. 

Now, speak only from this authentic experience. 

No need to explain God. 
Become His demo version. 

The world will celebrate you as _Bhagwan ke bandha_. 
Cool na. 

Sairam ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ
#R. Chandrashekar

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Sairam. Suprabhat. ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒบ
Sat, Jul 11, 2020

( Caution :  Lockdown friendly longish post)

Corona. Then China. Unending miseries unleashed on us. And the worst is yet to come as per predictive analysis of data modelling. And the soothsayers predict some major calamity in Dec to last till Mar and so on. Result : We created a new social strata of depressed lot. Many, locked up at home for months, don't know themselves the underlying depression but their behavioural disorder shows. Senior citizens and kiddos need extra space in life to manoeuvre. The former lost the skill to adapt to fast changing environ while the latter yet to acquire that. But the C virus confines them endlessly, raising new demands of adaptability everyday.

The media in general, the only window for us to know stuff around, fail us. Repeatedly. With their own agenda to drive us to their paid conclusions, they manipulate but manage to be within law. They deploy the phenomenon of Zohnerism. The use of true facts twisted to drive ignorant public to false conclusions. So that they can't be blamed technically. The Dihydrogen Monoxide parody by Zohner is well known now. (Google to read more).  Zohner explained to a gullible audience about Dihydrogen Monoxide and explained it's rust inducing properties and how in vapour form it can cause burns etc calling it a chemical to be banned. Nearly 90% agreed that this should be banned. Later it was revealed that it's just plain water -H2O- Dihydrogen monoxide!! Only scientific facts about water presented. But twisted enough to make it sound a killer chemical. That's Media for us.

Of the two Cs we are cursed with, Corona may go away after it's killing quota is over but the other - China will stay put unless there is a tectonic shift. Unlikely.

So, are we to go by the media predicting economic collapse of India with negative growth, minus migrant workers Factory output already down by 35%, Doomsday post-pandemic etc ? Add more misery to the depressed ones?

No. Go to town with the following story of How India will reign supreme. Always. In all ways. Boost their morale with unhighlighted Truths.

From erratic weather to elections, our media predictions have an uncanny similarity of going off the mark. Neither the 2004 Tsunami nor the 2014 sweeping by BJP, predicted precisely by these shaky Met men and psephologists in the media. Despite waxing eloquent with huge sound bytes in media all the time. So much for accurate predictions with updated Science n technology. So, when they say future doomed, go by their past record and be happy.

India will emerge to be on top. It's no prediction based on planets, stars and Kundali etc. Just by staying away from TV, Newspaper and Social media burn outs, our 'native intelligence' deep down in our DNA, pops up like a lily blooming, rising above, fighting watery resistance. The villagers drive their lives with that only. I was told by a geologist during my trips for Rain water harvesting across Maharashtra that in a village they were surveying for water, they chose a spot with latest equipments for drilling. A villager passed by and showed another spot nearby very matter-of-factly and asked to try there. On enquiring how he could be so confident, he showed a small heap of wet mud near a deep crab hole, dug out by the resident crab. Then showed nearby crab holes and the dry heaps. The geo fellow was dumbstruck. That's native intelligence unsullied by media.

Left to themselves, Indians will grow out of any crisis. Our enemies may have Jihadis. But we have jugadis. For any tricky situation, we have a  jugad solution. And outwit n survive. We have survival instincts spread all over the body. So much for Indians. Now the prediction fired by native intelligence.

Now the entire world knows Data is the new Oil. All economies are going to be data driven. Maths n statistical models have come to centre stage. Artificial itelligence, Machine learning and deep learning have made great in roads into every domain.
And in the West, many are math-challenged. For what our village kids do on fingers, the Western equivalents need a calci. And there pops up our native intelligence buried deep in our DNA. Now it's time has come. Armed with the outsmarting jugaad skill and latest technology, Indians are all set to rule the world. What the West lack as human potential we have in abundance. I was amazed at some of the girls from slums of Mumbai doing data entries in German as job work. Without knowing the language. Our weekly "Bol Bindas" classes for slum youth see many going up the career ladder.

So, the big data is the new ruler of the world. Cloud computing will make data mobile. Between the next door Chunabatti and Cincinnati seamlessly.
No big deal. Let H1 B visa be scrapped by Trumps of west. They need our talented youth  more than we need them. India has more than 65% below 35 yrs. Average age of an Indian now is 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan.

And another remarkable characteristic that can't be ignored is lean models in working. No pomp n show. The cost of Mars mission Mangalyan was just $ 74 mn. While similar mission to Mars costed 200 mn in 2003 for EU. To put up a satellite like Maven in orbit US burnt $ 671 mn. And a Hollywood film like Gravity costed $100+ mn as PM Modi told.
That's India for you. Amazing talents. Shoe string budgets.

So, we have the enviable huge stock of talent, outsmarting Jugaadi capabilities, lean execution models and super adaptability to harsh conditions.(Our Dharavi, the largest slum in Asia outwitted Corona in weeks and adapted to it now. Quoted by WHO as case study).
No country has this kind of combo.

But.. But... What is the Show stopper. Deal breaker? It's the weak personality make up. Gullible nature. Cringing before power. Compromising values for money. Even now thinking Western Gora is superior. East India Company ver 2 welcome here anytime to take over and rule another two centuries without much obstruction. All they need to do is to buy out Lutyens and low end language media to promote them as 'West is Best' and few politicos up for grabs to sway the public opinion of majority poor. Done. People will fall for it. Despite education, knowledge and skill. White supremacy embedded in shewed perception.

Big time low esteem kills us. Try asking a Paanwala direction for a street. See the way he contemptuously answers you by sign language. And let a British come and ask in his language - English. See our Paanwala jumping out of his shop, come on the road and obediently use all fingers n explain in broken English with Pride to the British bloke. That proves the point. He knows that despite huge looting n killing of his forefathers and devastating the country for two centuries ruining our economy, any British can come again and command same white supremacy. Big time respect. Many here have the same mindset like the Paanwala. Lack of Self esteem. Singularly ruinous. Some Personality disorder it is. We are our own nemesis.

So, work on refurbishing our personality. Build Self esteem. To be conscious of all our great strengths cited above. Else we will be very talented but weak ducklings, west will find encouraged to raid again and rule.

The kind of self re-building we need, is not possible to acquire from outside. No workshops with fee labelled as 'Investment' will work as Personality development fixes. We need a real overhaul. End to end funda change. Transformation. Entire hard Disk clean up.

If only we change as talented humans standing upright, upholding values, we shall be darlings of all. Even Gods will celebrate. Crackers in heaven.
Yes. We need a huge personality make over. Enough for the Paanwalas down the street to treat the Gora Westerner at par with his countrymen n not superior.

To realise that beyond all fallible humans there is a power up above which is infallible n Incorruptible, we need to invoke Spiritual sentiments. Inherent in each one. Values are part of Spiritual syllabus. And we are hugely Value deficit now.

India now needs only personality make over of the mentally weak ones to transform and turn robust. With time tested Values.
Coupled with their talents they can go places. And prove a thing or two to the world out there.

Where do we start. Did you ask. Haan....

Pray. Chant. Meditate

See the transformation 'Live'.
Slowly filling you with sacred Values, the system restarts.
Re-booting your 'Self'.
Now stand erect. Fired from inside, face the world. Inspire all.
Tell the youth to grow beyond H1Bs. Tell them- "Gora Taporis and Mavericks of the West with deep pockets can't determine your future. You are born to win. Look at your image in the water. You are not the meek goat you thought of yourself. But a roaring lion cub. Go n change your CV. Show the world what Indians are. Ab nahi tho kab? ".

Roar. On top of your roof.
Till it reaches the Galwan valley and beyond.

Sairam. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒบ
# R. Chandrashekar

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Sairam. Suprabhat. ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒบ
Wed, Jul 8, 2020

Pandemic blues in peak. All confined to homes and advised not to stir out. In the first two months all became hyper active in social media and many e-inhabited there only. Blindly 'forwarding' Buddha quotes to Corona cure all and sundries. Nearly all deities' eDarshan over. SuVichar streams about to dry.
So much absorbed into handsets, only occasionally lifted head to look at folks at home for eats. Now, all nearly outgrew that pastime. FB/WA/TW excite no more like before. In Mumbai lingo Puck gaya. Baar baar wahi ?

Corona is likely to hang around a couple of months more. Till it finishes the left over tasks in its ToDo list.

Time to build our own agenda. And improve our lot. Else we will turn nerds and netizens beyond redemption. Losing the human potential, yet to be actualised.

Time to revisit ourselves. Draw own agenda. And delve deep to lift our own spirits.

As everything is a matter of P'erception, we need to overhaul the P factor. Time to look at the limitations of Science and move on to newer frontiers for better harvest of Well being. Over dependence on 'matter' and it's associated empirical evidence, lab tests, scientific scrutiny etc should no more be limiting factor for understanding the 'Truth' that defies them apparently many times.

Everything can not be lab tested. Like, the elusive mind and its thoughts, the Non-matter stuff. In Subtle space. But the non-matter mind only governs the 'matter' body. Subjugated, the limbs of the body obey minds commands. Till date, Science couldn't fix the location of mind in the body. Nor could it deny it's existence. Same way, neither it could define 'life-force' that animates the body. Nor define death - Cessation of heartbeat? Brain? Same applies to time and space. Ask them when did the 'Time' start. Before that what? Where does the space end. After that What?

Allow Science it's space to evolve and catch up with Creation and it's algorithms. Like it took a while for Science of the day to accept that the earth is round. And Sun doesn't really rise or set. While Scriptures could predict even future eclipses precisely by intuition.

Yes. Energy governs matter. Energy is subtle. Invisible power. It is boundless in universe. Spiritually tagged as Shakti.
Shift base from 'Matter' to 'Energy'. And it's derivatives.

In this Corona gifted lockdown, social distanced from rest of the world, baite baite soch sakte hain.Thats not banned in lockdown. Huge privilege.

Challenge every hard coded perception of the mind. Intuitively explore. Before lockdown is lifted, acquire some self-inquired wisdom. That can sustain rest of the life. Leave gross matter and it's attributes. Accessible by sense organs. Denied if not. Their days are over. Even Science is deep into quantum stuff and is struggling with Higgs boson and quantum excitation. Move beyond that. And land in the beautiful world of Spirit - Spirituality. Energy divine. India is full of it. Masters n Masters all around since ages. Choose any genuine master and climb up to the peak. Your best.

Focus and concentration are important to get more out of the same. Like, in Science, a device that generates an intense beam of coherent amplified light by a stimulated emission of photons from excited atoms can drill and cut metals. Read barcodes, play CDs etc. Simply called LASER.( Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).
Catch phrases - Intense, coherent, amplified, stimulated.. Do the same to the mind. And it can unfold a huge bhandaar of energy packs that can pierce even the toughest. Spirituality holds the key. Switch. Go beyond Science.

In Spirituality everything is intuitively revealed. Like Vedas. Mere revelations by realised Masters who chose to be anonymous. Intuitively we know so much. Like, when a foreigner asked Ramana Maharishi "Where is the seat of 'Self'. He showed the centre near Solar plexus. When the questioner threw a disbelieving look, the Maharishi threw a pencil and asked a child in the audience to bring it. He asked the child who brought the Pencil. The Child put her palm on the solar plexus and told "I brought it". The Maharishi asked the foreigner to think over that response. The child's legs moved, eyes saw and hand picked. But it showed the middle near the heart and said " 'I' brought it. It intuitively knew that it was the seat of I. Stunned by this revelation and the way it was demonstrated, the foreigner readily agreed.
Spirituality can invoke, stimulate and amplify that intuition, latent in everyone. And enable you to get a Laser-like cutting edge.
Spirituality is experience driven. Inexplicable to the uninitiated. It can turn an uneducated Maruti from Kolhapur rolling beedies into Nisargadatta Maharaj, drawing a Bank chairman Ramesh Balsekar and many foreigners like the legendary Maurice Frydman, as his disciples and give the world a best seller - "I am That".

Go after that elating super experience. Which only Spirituality can give. Discard the Verbiage junk. Stay away from Articulation artists who can sway opinions of the weak by verbal gymnastics. WordSmiths who can trick you into believing the fake as Real.

How long can we do Jay walking across Social media e-streets calling it great fun. There is a real life to be lived beyond that. Go after authentic real experience in Spiritual domain. Science will come seeking behind. Quantum Jumping.

Where to start, did you ask.
Yes.. You guessed it right.

Pray. Chant. Meditate

Slowly cross all perceptional barriers inside. Become boundless. Witness the energy bursting forth endlessly.
It is the same energy in Microcasm and Macrocasm. That which animates atoms and celestial bodies at once.

See the Spiritual wisdom blossoming inside.That holds the key for Peace and harmony in our lives. With that, Self actualise. Your best, that is. Aur kya chahiye .

Sairam ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒบ
# R.Chandrashekar

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Sairam. Suprabhat. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Œ๐ŸŒบ
Sat Jul 4, 2020

The chips are down. There is a countrywide panic as the toll keeps increasing due to C. Time to spread positive vibes. In one century, after the Spanish flu 1918 killed 12 million Indians, situation has vastly improved. We have a caring govt now that pitches in to rescue as against the British overlords' indifference and insensitivity that existed then.

Stop watching the media full of negative crap. They die for your eye balls. And monetise it thru TRPs.

Build life based on faith. And hope. We, as a race survived many disasters. We Indians are of a different mettle. Don't cave in easily. The return of the migrants now, proves the point. The rural India shows the way. Talk to a farmer and learn how he lives merrily in everyday crisis. For many poor in India, getting quarantined is a better lifestyle. Food n medicines bed-delivered. Once released after testing negative, they are back to their worse conditions !

If masking and social distancing are the biggest pain points, it proves the comfort zone we are in, otherwise.

Re-visit history rubbishing all sombre narratives of how times are changing from bad to worse etc. For a change, we may get the counter narratives of how, over centuries we learnt to respect human rights better. How two people killed in police custody in TN created almost a revolt across India till it resulted in the guilty policemen held. Centuries back it would never have been a piece of news. Kings and their henchmen could behead any citizen and get away. So much for human rights.

It's not that justice being done and all hunky dory now. So much of injustice still there. But the freedom we enjoy now exercising our rights as ordinary citizens was never there before. So be positive.

Even if we go back to historic times, a king of a nation abducted the wife of another king in exile. Made a Ramayan out of it. Think of a Prime minister doing the same to PM of another country. Is it even thinkable now.
And another case in point. In the middle of the King's court, a woman of another royal family dragged in and the Kings men attempted to disrobe her. And the great Acharyas, the upholders of righteousness and their Chela lot in the court kept mum. And made a Mahabharat out of that. Is it possible to even imagine now. In the middle of Parliament a woman being dragged in by Govt for humiliating, even while speaker watches, all the ministers and senior MPs keep quiet.. Impossible to even imagine. Not even in the assembly of worst governed state where horse trading of MLAs is rampant. What are we complaining against. So, times are far better. Be positive.

Even at societal level, the panchayats gave brutal punishments. Proved male chauvinistic. History is full of human rights abuse at Governance level.

Then came the Renaissance and the modern era with machines. The brutality didn't stop. An Advanced nation produced Adolf Hitler. And the holocaust saw six millions Jews massacred, many using brutal machines.
Is it possible now to repeat it in that scale. Less probable. Even in North Korea. Though US infused crises, trigger such brutalities in miniature form here n there. Like Afghanistan and Iraq.
Things improved a lot now. So be positive.

Even in a Pandemic, all that they want us to do is to stay back at home, maintain social distance, wearing mask, if out. Your handset/lappy connects you to the world. You get to do WFH (Work From Home) n earn non stop. In olden days not possible. Most might have been into temple projects and the like. (At least in South with thousands of temples).Rock cutting all the time n got paid by Kings in grains. Rest in Agriculture.
No WFH possible. What are we complaining against. Be positive.

We live in far better times. In fact Human rights have never seen such good times in the entire history. From autocratic bigoted Kings to throbbing democracy is a long fruitful journey. It ended up in giving us a remarkable leader to uphold our rights and freedom. It is played out in front of us. What is there to complain now. Be positive.

Yes. We are on our way to the Golden chapter of Indian History. A matured democracy will show the world how to govern with Truth and Righteousness. With all humility. Be positive.

No need to Panic. Keeping the above in mind, calmly use this forced lockdown to rebuild yourself. With Peace and harmony at the centre.

Feel at home. At home. That's the starting point. guessed it right.

Pray. Chant. Meditate

See your inside architecture changing. Certain stillness settling down. Positive vibes pervading...

Is me Panic na mumkin. Sambhav hi nahi. Now you can face any crisis. With confidence. Cool na.

Sairam ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน

#R. Chandrashekar
Chembur Mumbai

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sairam. Suprabhat. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Œ๐ŸŒน
Sat Jun 20, 2020

There is an apparent clash between Science and Spirituality. Science believes in lab tests. Empirical evidence. And commonly available same experience in similar given conditions. Like Gravitation is same experience to a sinner n saint. A Kamandal dropped by a saint and gun dropped by a criminal both fall. In different velocities, governed by their weight n height from where dropped.
Gravitation. Science.
But spirituality discriminates. Filters. Defies natural law many times. Like levitation. Unlike gravitation, not common to all.
It is this apparent dichotomy that created a chasm between the two.

But deep down they are not mutually exclusive. Both have something common. All experiences are conditional.
To get in to a moving train, science demands that one runs along to match the train speed and on reaching that exactly, Tango. It's just entering on equal footing.  Reach Same speed. That's the condition.
So science also stipulates conditions and on fulfilling the conditions only certain experience occurs. Spirituality has different set of conditions. Apparently defying natural laws. But even gravitation is defied by hydrogen balloons. As much as the levitating Sadhus. Under certain conditions fulfilled. The commonality is 'conditions'.

So, without losing scientific temper, even while exploring quantum physics outside, one can get spiritual and explore inside. Possible.

Possible to explore, without even googling. Original research in mind's own lab.
Take up any subject and go pondering over, deep down. Not losing scientific sense. It's free ride inside.

Ramana Maharishi sat like that n went inside deep down. And never returned. And asked those who came to him to ask only one question and find the answer.
'Who am I'. He institutionalized that Question. Now there is a huge ashram that helps the janta visiting it to find answer to this pesky Q by Ramana. Those who found didn't come back to the barracks. Remained there with Him.

Recently when I went to Ramana ashram in South for doing perambulation of the hill ( Girivalam) bumped into a lady distributing food to many into Girivalam. The face gave it away. Looked a Mumbai Metro face. Not local version. Over a talk, she revealed that she was with a foreign bank in Mumbai and came to T. Malai Ramana Ashram for Girivalam  just out of inquisitiveness of any tourist. But while walking around the hill, saw a flame - jyoti moving in tandem. Some strange butterflies in stomach. In trance like stupor. And end of the story. She found herself going back, putting down papers, against the wishes of close relatives and ending up in T. Malai near Ramana Ashram, serving the poor. Asking constantly "Who am I". May be left the job to find answer.
Had a long chat n left.

It's about serious pursuit of anything one takes up. Science or spirituality. All Inventions of Science and revelations of Spiritual masters are results of sincere and serious pursuits.
Dr Usui pursued the Q on healing by touch by Jesus. Ended up in Reiki. Energy transfer by mentally drawn symbols.

So, pursue. Sincerely and seriously. Anything worthwhile in Science or Spirituality. Go deep down.

For a demo, take any flat object. May be a note book. Go to it's Centre. Centre of Gravity that is. Science. Put your finger there and hold with balance like some kids do. Wav.It stands aloft with finger in the middle. In any other point balance lost n falls.
So, in Centre of Gravity, there is certain balance of forces pulling in all directions equally.

Think deeper. Centre of Gravity is a point, where all pulling forces counter each other.  And balanced there.

Can CoG shift? Yes. A human's center of gravity- CoG- can shift as he takes on different positions, as per science.

Now extrapolate. Like Newton did when Apple fell on his head. Can thoughts have CoG?. Virtual. All thoughts emanating from single point. CoG of thoughts. If it's in head ( Godown of knowledge) , it will assume its characteristics. If in heart ( Warehouse of Love, compassion n kindness) it will assume it's characteristics.

Can we shift the CoG of thoughts from head to heart. How. By practicing to confront every situation with love and compassion rather than logic n reasoning. Such practice over time will shift the CoG of thoughts from head to heart. Deal with the world only thru heart. Like good ol mothers of those days. Full of love n compassion. Unlike the modern moms logically locked up with adolescent kids. Argue. Argue. And argue. Till both drop dead.
Logic may Solve. But Love will 'disSolve'. Without trace.

So, in this lockdown, with Corona not showing signs of exiting, why not shift the CoG of Thoughts. No packers n movers needed. Just sit cross legged n brood. Without losing Scientific temper. Huge benefits possible.

Haan. Certain prep...
And you guessed it right.

Pray. Chant. Meditate

Witness the logical mind losing ground. Thoughts mellowing down. Compassion enveloping the entire being. Yes. CoG is in shifting mode. From head to heart. Now all thoughts arise from 'heart'. Their new address.
Ab sirf Prem hi sambhav hi.
And see how this new Centre of Gravity gravitates all around you. Horizontally. While the Science'walah G does it 'vertically'. Cool na.
Yeh lockdown me baite baite aur kya chahiye ...

Sairam. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน
# R. Chandrasheka

Monday, June 15, 2020

Sairam. Suprabath. ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™
Mon Jun 15, 2020

India is the only country blessed with so many Spiritual Masters. A favourite destination for many Avatars.
It is not that God wouldn't have tried other Nations. His natural choice would have been G7 countries if, only material prosperity mattered to Him. He apparently filters out others too on different grounds and chooses India only, time n again. May be yahan sab chalta hai . Avatar bhi. In the midst of all atrocities. Cool.

India is one country where, even in utter poverty, people turn Poets and philosophers. The left overs seek God in wilderness. Maoists are outliers.

The great Poet  Subramania Bharati was a strange product of Poverty. His poems with intense passion set afire the Indian hearts to pursue Freedom. But his own kitchen fire was hardly lit. His wife Chellamma would save some grains for cooking and our man would throw them to sparrows n write poems, watching them merrily eat.

The Indian poor may resort to alms but not arms. And few misled among them may join communism and live in perennial illusion that Poverty is eradicated by certain Parity. Confusing Equal distribution with Rational distribution. Otherwise apna public achha aur bechaara hai. Enough to attract Avatars and holy men as natural choice.

Here, Huts n Hermits go together. See in old films. Poverty seems a must at entry level of God-seeking. Even their Bhiksha is dignified. Sanctified. Ramana Maharishi resorted to Bhiksha, going around the Arunachala streets for alms. But he stunned Paul Brunton with His super wisdom bytes that created waves in the West. Yogi Ramsurat kumar, whom Kanchi Paramacharya adored, called Himself a 'beggar' in every sentence He spoke. Wrapped around in raddhi , He performed many miracles. Once He analysed Ayn Rand so well that the famous Tam author Balakumaran became speechless. (For full text ref link below)

God chooses India, as the Shelf life of Avatar brand is almost infinity here. Even after about 20000 years or so, the name 'Ram' has good brand recall. Jai Ram ji ki. And even after 5000 yrs of the epic war, the Mahabharat TV serial, when re-played after decades, gets riveted audience. Assuring ad revenue like prime time for the channel. Jai Sri Krishna.

Spiritual domain can create Devdutt Patnaiks and help them build a roaring career in re-telling their puranic stories with stunningly refreshing inputs. And reach great heights delivering TED talks.

Apart from Avatars, many many Spiritual Masters appear at the appropriate time and shake the collective consciousness of the society big time.Their impact is  immeasureable. They Institutionalize their divine wisdom thru their immaculate ashrams. And service their sincere aspirants. And the society at large.

The real spiritual Masters go beyond religion.
Ramana blessed one Prof. Dr. Syed M. Hafiz, Head, Dept. of
Philosophy, Allahabad University and his wife who wanted darshan of Ramana Maharishi when He was alive.
Ramana appeared in dream and directed. Miraculous happenings then stunned both.(pp 47 of Face to Face with Ramana Maharishi pdf posted below). It is a case in point to prove the religion neutrality of such great Spiritual Masters. Only the fanatics in all religions fight madly now. Divorced from Spirituality, they are in the liability side of every Religions Spiritual Balance sheet.

Spiritual Masters effuse certain extraordinary vibes. Create unique energy fields. That gravitate only the blessed ones. Like magnet attracts only the iron filings. Not others.

But to get to that spiritual high land, one should know about the great Masters and attain certain merits. Reading about them and listening to their glory, cleanses the Chitta, the mind stuff, they say. Shuddhi karan  Googling on them would be deemed a neo-sadhana for Chitta Shuddhi in the NewGen scriptures in the works now. Why not.

Google on the Spiritual Masters, in the God-Sent extended lockdown. Baite baite do a desk research on them. Like I did and discovered a case of how the great spiritual Masters are linked to each other in subtle space.
Believe, googling helps. Even in the spiritual quests.

My research showed that, after Ramana Maharishi left the body on 14 Apr 1950, all those associated with Him left one by one. Even Ganesan ji who was close to the Maharishi, looking after ashram admin, had to leave as visitors dried up and so were the sponsors. After that Ganesan went to Kerala Kanhangad Anandashram of Pappa Ramdas and met Mataji Krishnabhai. On seeking next Sadhana for him, she advised him to go around collecting back the disciples of Ramana Maharishi and bring them back to Ramanashram. And restore it's life back. She told him that was his biggest sadhana, he was destined to do. Our Ganesan ji agreed and went about collecting all devotees of Ramana and lighted the lamp of the Ramana ashram again. He always told himself that as Mataji blessed, nothing to worry and went about his assignment.
Thus came up the great Ramana Ashram with renewed vigour.

Even as I started the petty research googling away, strangely all connected material both text n audio trooped in, in an inexplicable manner.

Even with the scientific temper and commercial mindset, it's possible to reach higher realms by toeing certain dharmic line. Even such sadhna of e-Association with great Masters, by googling, delivers results. Vyarth nahi hoga. Try.

But certain prep certainly helps. Makes the search easier in the huge data bhandaar of Google.

Where to start? Did you ask?
Yes. you guessed it right.

Pray. Chant. Meditate

Khoj. Till you drop dead.
A sincere, long winding search inside, certainly ends up with your Master showing up.
And guiding you as leading light, thru the labyrinths of life. Zindagi ka gully gully me.
Aur kya chahiye

Sairam ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน
#R. Chandrashekar

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Sairam. Suprabath. ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน
Wed Jun 10, 2020

Good. Mumbai opens up a little. The roads dotted with odd BEST buses. Some signs of life again. But normalcy in Mumbai is only when there are traffic snarls n terribly crowded trains . Which are yet to happen.

The left over faces around the masks are enough to show the panic of the pandemic.

In a way it's nature's pay back time. Collective Karma of the community, manifested as Carona bandhu.

Look around. There is so much of metamorphosis in metros of India. A whole new generation of post liberalisation era, mutated. Gerrymandering a mature civilisation to suit it's western pursuits. So much naklipan.The new found prosperity touched only the Metros' nouveau-riche.
And they are merrily aping the west, bending backwards. Later the millennials joined the party wholesale with Kholi haircut.

There was a time upto which the elders at homes counselled the kiddos. And the Adolescents. To wean them away from the Paagalpan of blindly following the West. But the elders were reverse-counselled by them. Result : Buzurg  in Bermudas, walking the dogs in the colony roads, listening to Jazz, giving a neat go by to the left over native culture in their respective homes. They also succumbed to FB selfies as part of self-promo. "Gimme my space ..yeah" they fervently appeal in imitated accent. And loaded their wordstock with new arrivals.. Like friend'zoning. And the like..

Dheke Puck gaya ๐Ÿค” in our old world mumbai lingo.

Such deadly dalliances with the West costed our native culture dearly. Paid with Peace. Harmony. And impaired relationships.
But the party is on, notwithstanding.

When NewYork, their Mecca of materialism crumbled, unable to provide even the basics for survival when the teeny weeny virus struck, everyone and his uncle turned mature philosophers. And mega-mused internally. Pearls of wisdom poured out. "How Eastern family- centred culture is great" etc.
Read the rantings in Western media. Desperately crying over the need to have ones own folks around death bed, when corona strikes n Ventilators fail. They pleaded with docs for facetime with their folks trading even for ventilators. Sad. Agonising.

Post pandemic, need to build a different India. To begin with, Metro-Indians need to stop the manipulations. As rest of the country follows them, they need to straighten up. They only teach, how to sneak thru law, after doing all evil, without getting caught.

Yes. The collective Karma of the manipulative world only manifested as deadly Corona.

Learn to lead a simple, truthful life. Asli zindagi. Without dhikawat that is.

No need to believe that West is the best in terms of empirical knowledge. Gyan ki bandaar . And as though ours is a country of Sadhus, Sanghis and Snake Charmers. That's the old western media created Brahmn. Come out of it. As much as we had Spiritual depth, we had equal n more Wisdom width. Enough to teach the world.

Seniors in each Indian home should use this extended lockdown to Google on India. And read it's history. From Indus Valley civilisation 5000 yrs ago till now. And realise the Thought Leadership we possessed. And tell the youngsters proudly. How, when US was in primititive state waiting to be discovered by Columbus accidentally centuries later, we had Nalanda and Takshila universities (3rd cent B.C)teaching the world. In its Peak, Nalanda had 10000 students  many from overseas. As per ASI records, subjects taught at Nalanda included theology, grammar, logic, astronomy, metaphysics, medicine and philosophy. Don't allow the millennials at home to rubbish them saying, it's all past glory not useful now.
Google more. And discover how in recent times, Seshan, the then election commnr  was guided by Kanchi Paramacharya to refer the 9th century carvings in Uttiramerur temple walls.
And how Seshan studied as guided and reformed the election process in India like never seen before.
Google more and bump into a great Engineering treatise Samaraangana Sutradhara by Bhoja Raja 1000 yrs ago.That contains details of building even an airplane. Amazing engineering details.
If still they don't agree show the Indian almanacs computed centuries ago without even a base calculator, the precise time of an eclipse that would occur centuries later. And they do at the precise appointed time. Even now.

Our ancestors drew the wisdom bytes from the inexhaustible spiritual source. Not by lab tests and Lancet reports they retract even before it's read fully.

It's top down. Wisdom is divine. Rest are mere knowledge. Like Met guys knows about weather. Space scientists know celestial stuff. Very crucial info. Yet not wisdom. Just knowledgeable in specific domains. SMEs - Subject matter experts.

Rooted in Spirituality, our ancestors acquired wisdom by divine grace. Certain internal vision helped the seers to see beyond the senses.
And made them realise and declare the unfathomable Truths governing life, otherwise not available.
From the science of astronomy to the subject of architecture, they hit bulls eye. The 8th century Ellora cave temples excavated vertically for 20 yrs is a case in point.

We need to reboot that India. With Thought Leadership and Economic Superiority. Empowered by the Spiritual Engine. Formidable combo.

Get back to your roots. Shedding the Western naklipan acquired along the way.. To the left over strong cultural roots still green.
Your Chosen God. Family's Spiritual practices. Ghar ghar ki Puja Paat ki เคฐिเคตाเคœ. Restore all these n more in this lockdown. Turn MetroSpiritual, in short.

Where to begin. Did you ask.

Yes. You guessed it right.

Pray. Chant. Meditate

Retrace your steps. And slowly get back to your native spirit. Pristine. Puritanic. เคช्เคฐाเคšीเคจ God's own land.

The spiritual vibes that envelope you, can lift you up to the new corridors of God's kingdom. Where divine wisdom is plug n play.

Get wise. Change lifestyle. Live peacefully. In total harmony.

Then the เคฐूเคชเคฐेเค–ा of rebooted New India will pass thru your doorsteps. Aur kya chahiye?

Sairam ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜Š
#R. Chandrashekar