Saturday, July 11, 2020

Sairam. Suprabhat. 😌🙏🌺
Sat, Jul 11, 2020

( Caution :  Lockdown friendly longish post)

Corona. Then China. Unending miseries unleashed on us. And the worst is yet to come as per predictive analysis of data modelling. And the soothsayers predict some major calamity in Dec to last till Mar and so on. Result : We created a new social strata of depressed lot. Many, locked up at home for months, don't know themselves the underlying depression but their behavioural disorder shows. Senior citizens and kiddos need extra space in life to manoeuvre. The former lost the skill to adapt to fast changing environ while the latter yet to acquire that. But the C virus confines them endlessly, raising new demands of adaptability everyday.

The media in general, the only window for us to know stuff around, fail us. Repeatedly. With their own agenda to drive us to their paid conclusions, they manipulate but manage to be within law. They deploy the phenomenon of Zohnerism. The use of true facts twisted to drive ignorant public to false conclusions. So that they can't be blamed technically. The Dihydrogen Monoxide parody by Zohner is well known now. (Google to read more).  Zohner explained to a gullible audience about Dihydrogen Monoxide and explained it's rust inducing properties and how in vapour form it can cause burns etc calling it a chemical to be banned. Nearly 90% agreed that this should be banned. Later it was revealed that it's just plain water -H2O- Dihydrogen monoxide!! Only scientific facts about water presented. But twisted enough to make it sound a killer chemical. That's Media for us.

Of the two Cs we are cursed with, Corona may go away after it's killing quota is over but the other - China will stay put unless there is a tectonic shift. Unlikely.

So, are we to go by the media predicting economic collapse of India with negative growth, minus migrant workers Factory output already down by 35%, Doomsday post-pandemic etc ? Add more misery to the depressed ones?

No. Go to town with the following story of How India will reign supreme. Always. In all ways. Boost their morale with unhighlighted Truths.

From erratic weather to elections, our media predictions have an uncanny similarity of going off the mark. Neither the 2004 Tsunami nor the 2014 sweeping by BJP, predicted precisely by these shaky Met men and psephologists in the media. Despite waxing eloquent with huge sound bytes in media all the time. So much for accurate predictions with updated Science n technology. So, when they say future doomed, go by their past record and be happy.

India will emerge to be on top. It's no prediction based on planets, stars and Kundali etc. Just by staying away from TV, Newspaper and Social media burn outs, our 'native intelligence' deep down in our DNA, pops up like a lily blooming, rising above, fighting watery resistance. The villagers drive their lives with that only. I was told by a geologist during my trips for Rain water harvesting across Maharashtra that in a village they were surveying for water, they chose a spot with latest equipments for drilling. A villager passed by and showed another spot nearby very matter-of-factly and asked to try there. On enquiring how he could be so confident, he showed a small heap of wet mud near a deep crab hole, dug out by the resident crab. Then showed nearby crab holes and the dry heaps. The geo fellow was dumbstruck. That's native intelligence unsullied by media.

Left to themselves, Indians will grow out of any crisis. Our enemies may have Jihadis. But we have jugadis. For any tricky situation, we have a  jugad solution. And outwit n survive. We have survival instincts spread all over the body. So much for Indians. Now the prediction fired by native intelligence.

Now the entire world knows Data is the new Oil. All economies are going to be data driven. Maths n statistical models have come to centre stage. Artificial itelligence, Machine learning and deep learning have made great in roads into every domain.
And in the West, many are math-challenged. For what our village kids do on fingers, the Western equivalents need a calci. And there pops up our native intelligence buried deep in our DNA. Now it's time has come. Armed with the outsmarting jugaad skill and latest technology, Indians are all set to rule the world. What the West lack as human potential we have in abundance. I was amazed at some of the girls from slums of Mumbai doing data entries in German as job work. Without knowing the language. Our weekly "Bol Bindas" classes for slum youth see many going up the career ladder.

So, the big data is the new ruler of the world. Cloud computing will make data mobile. Between the next door Chunabatti and Cincinnati seamlessly.
No big deal. Let H1 B visa be scrapped by Trumps of west. They need our talented youth  more than we need them. India has more than 65% below 35 yrs. Average age of an Indian now is 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan.

And another remarkable characteristic that can't be ignored is lean models in working. No pomp n show. The cost of Mars mission Mangalyan was just $ 74 mn. While similar mission to Mars costed 200 mn in 2003 for EU. To put up a satellite like Maven in orbit US burnt $ 671 mn. And a Hollywood film like Gravity costed $100+ mn as PM Modi told.
That's India for you. Amazing talents. Shoe string budgets.

So, we have the enviable huge stock of talent, outsmarting Jugaadi capabilities, lean execution models and super adaptability to harsh conditions.(Our Dharavi, the largest slum in Asia outwitted Corona in weeks and adapted to it now. Quoted by WHO as case study).
No country has this kind of combo.

But.. But... What is the Show stopper. Deal breaker? It's the weak personality make up. Gullible nature. Cringing before power. Compromising values for money. Even now thinking Western Gora is superior. East India Company ver 2 welcome here anytime to take over and rule another two centuries without much obstruction. All they need to do is to buy out Lutyens and low end language media to promote them as 'West is Best' and few politicos up for grabs to sway the public opinion of majority poor. Done. People will fall for it. Despite education, knowledge and skill. White supremacy embedded in shewed perception.

Big time low esteem kills us. Try asking a Paanwala direction for a street. See the way he contemptuously answers you by sign language. And let a British come and ask in his language - English. See our Paanwala jumping out of his shop, come on the road and obediently use all fingers n explain in broken English with Pride to the British bloke. That proves the point. He knows that despite huge looting n killing of his forefathers and devastating the country for two centuries ruining our economy, any British can come again and command same white supremacy. Big time respect. Many here have the same mindset like the Paanwala. Lack of Self esteem. Singularly ruinous. Some Personality disorder it is. We are our own nemesis.

So, work on refurbishing our personality. Build Self esteem. To be conscious of all our great strengths cited above. Else we will be very talented but weak ducklings, west will find encouraged to raid again and rule.

The kind of self re-building we need, is not possible to acquire from outside. No workshops with fee labelled as 'Investment' will work as Personality development fixes. We need a real overhaul. End to end funda change. Transformation. Entire hard Disk clean up.

If only we change as talented humans standing upright, upholding values, we shall be darlings of all. Even Gods will celebrate. Crackers in heaven.
Yes. We need a huge personality make over. Enough for the Paanwalas down the street to treat the Gora Westerner at par with his countrymen n not superior.

To realise that beyond all fallible humans there is a power up above which is infallible n Incorruptible, we need to invoke Spiritual sentiments. Inherent in each one. Values are part of Spiritual syllabus. And we are hugely Value deficit now.

India now needs only personality make over of the mentally weak ones to transform and turn robust. With time tested Values.
Coupled with their talents they can go places. And prove a thing or two to the world out there.

Where do we start. Did you ask. Haan....

Pray. Chant. Meditate

See the transformation 'Live'.
Slowly filling you with sacred Values, the system restarts.
Re-booting your 'Self'.
Now stand erect. Fired from inside, face the world. Inspire all.
Tell the youth to grow beyond H1Bs. Tell them- "Gora Taporis and Mavericks of the West with deep pockets can't determine your future. You are born to win. Look at your image in the water. You are not the meek goat you thought of yourself. But a roaring lion cub. Go n change your CV. Show the world what Indians are. Ab nahi tho kab? ".

Roar. On top of your roof.
Till it reaches the Galwan valley and beyond.

Sairam. 😊🙏🌺
# R. Chandrashekar

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