Sairam. Suprabhat 😌🙏🌺
Wed Jan 29, 2020
Seeking food is an instinct. Not a result of a thought process. In fact even if we are engaged in serious thoughts over something like the misleading Anti CAA campaigns watching TV debates, the food-seeking hungry stomach will drag our attention to it. Proving, its not thru intellect but by instinct. Across all living species.
If we extrapolate it to all sense organs that are hungry in their own ways seeking food that would satiate their respective hunger, we will discover a varied Menu that will look interesting. The eyes seek that is pleasing to see, like some eye candies. Ears are thrilled to hear some super AR Rahman music and the like. Tongues relish and drool over it's chosen delicacies etc etc Through the sense organs, the self ( small 's') is pleased.
Food is a must. Instinct handles it. But intellect's intervention is needed to to determine the right food.
Hugely Subjective. Hence opinions vary.
Food for stomach is in the domain of dieticians n specialists to decide n recommend.
But food for sense organs that send the inputs to the core of our being, determine our overall personality. Adolescents watching unacceptable movies mispleasing the eyes, mess up their lives. Youth listening to indoctrinating lectures mispleasing the ears, end up in destruction. And so on for other senses that are mispleased and result in chaotic life.
Yes. Choosing Food for sense organs is a different culinary art.
In short, a disciplined, regulated life with right food for stomach and all sense organs guarantee lasting Peace. Period.
Choosing the right-fit food is a matter of wisdom. Inborn tendencies and impulses may drag one towards the wrong food. And till one goes downhill n hit the bottom n blow up, one may not realise it. Look at such victims in your neighbourhood. The wrong food walas who ruined their lives. The drunkards, drug addicts, discarded youth, depressionists (!) and other social drop outs. Who lost the battle of life so early in life.
That's why, before it's too late, acquire the wisdom piece. To choose the right food for sense organs. However tough, the bitter medicine is also taken for overall good at the end.
What is the help desk number or assistance for choosing right food for sense organs. Zomatos n Swiggys. Yes all such assistance rolled into one is only in Spiritual counters.
According to a verse in Kathopanishad (1.2.2) between Shreyas (that which is good to the soul) and Preyas (that which is pleasing to the senses) the wise one always chooses the Shreyas.
No heavy-duty verses need to be mastered. Just be in touch with any scripture always. Just a touch of mind. The mind touching the scripture is a kind of Sparsh. Ruminating.
May not understand immediately. Like in software coding, you don't wait to understand why the script is so. Just follow the protocols n move on to finish. If it works, fine.
What goes for scripts in S/w goes for scriptures too. Focus only on outcome. If it transforms you even a bit, worth pursuing it. It doesn't cost anything (free pdf link posted below) . Zero input cost. ROI is infinite.
Choose any scripture. Of any religion. Dont go by the fanatics doing politics with religions. Islamic Sufi saints inspire as much as Siddhas of Hinduism. Amazing words of the Lord in Bible console as much as soothing words of Krishna in Gita. Be religion neutral n spiritual positive. No hang ups.
The scriptures are suffused with spiritual vibes. Unseen but felt deeply inside.
They can't carry on an active narrative like anti CAA for even a year. Soon it will peter out. But look at Bhagawatham. Since centuries it is being read, lectured in satsanghs and positively debated to know it's depth. Hare Krishna folks use it as curriculum. It's because of the divine vibes it carries. The sapthaham (7 days) on Bhagwatham is a part of the Indian culture.
Try reading it as software code. Install it like Android-in-your-handset, in your mindset. As long as it works, you never question Android codes. Let Bhagwatham or any scripture work in our mind set.
But the mind needs to accept it. Till someone posts "Even NASA recommends reading of Indian scriptures rejuvenates life", it is difficult to get buy-in from Indian minds. But the ones who fashion their lives beyond NASA types can give a shot.
Read Bhagwatham a few pages a day and discover the subtle energy enveloping you . Feel good factor.
A decade ago, I was intrigued by a practice in Alandi by illiterate bhakts of Gnaneshwar. They can't read the Pothi - Gnaneshwari. So they run their finger over line by line as though reading. And acquire the divine vibes flowing thru them as per their belief system. The temple keeps many copies of Pothi.
I took a team of like minded people to Alandi. Hunted for such illiterate men and women and called to honor them. The locals helped. Each one of us washed their feet and did Padha puja. Gave Vastra dhan and ate with them. With the hope that even if a fraction of their Faith rubs in to us, we can face life with tremendous inner strength. (Many more unfair thukde thukde types are in store for us ahead)
Such is the power of divine scriptures. But it's true that it needs some Prep to induce the mental touch.
Where do we begin. Did you ask?
Yes. You guessed it right.
Pray. Chant. Meditate
Slowly the mind gets ready to explore the ultimate truth in scriptures. And get absorbed in the divine vibes emanating from them. The inner strength builds up.
With that, facing the hostile world outside is easier.
Sairam 😊🙏🌺
R. Chandrashekar
Wed Jan 29, 2020
Seeking food is an instinct. Not a result of a thought process. In fact even if we are engaged in serious thoughts over something like the misleading Anti CAA campaigns watching TV debates, the food-seeking hungry stomach will drag our attention to it. Proving, its not thru intellect but by instinct. Across all living species.
If we extrapolate it to all sense organs that are hungry in their own ways seeking food that would satiate their respective hunger, we will discover a varied Menu that will look interesting. The eyes seek that is pleasing to see, like some eye candies. Ears are thrilled to hear some super AR Rahman music and the like. Tongues relish and drool over it's chosen delicacies etc etc Through the sense organs, the self ( small 's') is pleased.
Food is a must. Instinct handles it. But intellect's intervention is needed to to determine the right food.
Hugely Subjective. Hence opinions vary.
Food for stomach is in the domain of dieticians n specialists to decide n recommend.
But food for sense organs that send the inputs to the core of our being, determine our overall personality. Adolescents watching unacceptable movies mispleasing the eyes, mess up their lives. Youth listening to indoctrinating lectures mispleasing the ears, end up in destruction. And so on for other senses that are mispleased and result in chaotic life.
Yes. Choosing Food for sense organs is a different culinary art.
In short, a disciplined, regulated life with right food for stomach and all sense organs guarantee lasting Peace. Period.
Choosing the right-fit food is a matter of wisdom. Inborn tendencies and impulses may drag one towards the wrong food. And till one goes downhill n hit the bottom n blow up, one may not realise it. Look at such victims in your neighbourhood. The wrong food walas who ruined their lives. The drunkards, drug addicts, discarded youth, depressionists (!) and other social drop outs. Who lost the battle of life so early in life.
That's why, before it's too late, acquire the wisdom piece. To choose the right food for sense organs. However tough, the bitter medicine is also taken for overall good at the end.
What is the help desk number or assistance for choosing right food for sense organs. Zomatos n Swiggys. Yes all such assistance rolled into one is only in Spiritual counters.
According to a verse in Kathopanishad (1.2.2) between Shreyas (that which is good to the soul) and Preyas (that which is pleasing to the senses) the wise one always chooses the Shreyas.
No heavy-duty verses need to be mastered. Just be in touch with any scripture always. Just a touch of mind. The mind touching the scripture is a kind of Sparsh. Ruminating.
May not understand immediately. Like in software coding, you don't wait to understand why the script is so. Just follow the protocols n move on to finish. If it works, fine.
What goes for scripts in S/w goes for scriptures too. Focus only on outcome. If it transforms you even a bit, worth pursuing it. It doesn't cost anything (free pdf link posted below) . Zero input cost. ROI is infinite.
Choose any scripture. Of any religion. Dont go by the fanatics doing politics with religions. Islamic Sufi saints inspire as much as Siddhas of Hinduism. Amazing words of the Lord in Bible console as much as soothing words of Krishna in Gita. Be religion neutral n spiritual positive. No hang ups.
The scriptures are suffused with spiritual vibes. Unseen but felt deeply inside.
They can't carry on an active narrative like anti CAA for even a year. Soon it will peter out. But look at Bhagawatham. Since centuries it is being read, lectured in satsanghs and positively debated to know it's depth. Hare Krishna folks use it as curriculum. It's because of the divine vibes it carries. The sapthaham (7 days) on Bhagwatham is a part of the Indian culture.
Try reading it as software code. Install it like Android-in-your-handset, in your mindset. As long as it works, you never question Android codes. Let Bhagwatham or any scripture work in our mind set.
But the mind needs to accept it. Till someone posts "Even NASA recommends reading of Indian scriptures rejuvenates life", it is difficult to get buy-in from Indian minds. But the ones who fashion their lives beyond NASA types can give a shot.
Read Bhagwatham a few pages a day and discover the subtle energy enveloping you . Feel good factor.
A decade ago, I was intrigued by a practice in Alandi by illiterate bhakts of Gnaneshwar. They can't read the Pothi - Gnaneshwari. So they run their finger over line by line as though reading. And acquire the divine vibes flowing thru them as per their belief system. The temple keeps many copies of Pothi.
I took a team of like minded people to Alandi. Hunted for such illiterate men and women and called to honor them. The locals helped. Each one of us washed their feet and did Padha puja. Gave Vastra dhan and ate with them. With the hope that even if a fraction of their Faith rubs in to us, we can face life with tremendous inner strength. (Many more unfair thukde thukde types are in store for us ahead)
Such is the power of divine scriptures. But it's true that it needs some Prep to induce the mental touch.
Where do we begin. Did you ask?
Yes. You guessed it right.
Pray. Chant. Meditate
Slowly the mind gets ready to explore the ultimate truth in scriptures. And get absorbed in the divine vibes emanating from them. The inner strength builds up.
With that, facing the hostile world outside is easier.
Sairam 😊🙏🌺
R. Chandrashekar
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