Friday, May 15, 2020

Sairam. Suprabhat. 😌🙏🌹
Fri May 15, 2020

More than the fear of death due to Carona virus, it's the disruption to routine it causes, that upsets all. Otherwise, by sheer logic, the number of people dying of other specific illnesses are more than Covid and they don't disturb us with their proven higher mortality rates. From Jan - Apr 2020, the number of people died of Malaria was more than 5 times than that of Covid as per published stats in some site doing rounds in whatsApp circuits. So the numbers don't matter except for the news hungry media. But disruption to normal routine hurts more .

We are moving in certain groove. And anything that interrupts n slows it down or stops, causes pain. Conflicts.

In short, the first encounter with any perceived conflict causes pain.

So, to eliminate the pain points, need to work on conflicts, the mind revolts against. And getting self injured.

Everything is a matter of perception. Perceived comfort zones. Perceived conflict zones. Most kids initially look at going to school as conflict zone n cry. Perception. As they grow, the conflict zones perceptionally vary. And the revolt against them at the mind level continues. It was school then. Later, could be office. And Society itself at some point in time. Life riddled with conflicts.

Root cause analysis would show that expecting conflict free life is the main cause at the roots.

Conflict is an integral part of life. Views differ. Perceptions vary. Clash of opinions is inevitable.

That's why epic like Ramayan n Mahabharat depict the conflict zones as central theme and wars waged around them.

Conflicts in mind caused by different perceptions cause most of the mental agony.

What can not be cured has to be endured, they say. If we learn to live with conflicts as unavoidable evil, the pain could be minimised.

Conflict creators could be a nasty boss, an intolerable neighbour, unavoidable in- laws or even unadjusting spouse. Each one can create an independent conflict zone n force it upon you to deal with. Our mere existence itself could be unacceptable to them n play as cause for the conflicts in their perception.

It's time to outgrow them n learn to live with them.

As conflicts are mostly caused by differing perceptions, work on them. Perceptionally transforming could lead us to Peace. Try.

During the entire political life till Freedom, Gandhi encountered only conflicts. Much before that, when Adi shankara arrived with a specific agenda, He encountered unending conflicts including for cremation of His own mother. They all faced them with certain steely resolve and didn't cave in. In current times, Subramaniam Swami is a permanent resident of conflict zone. A green card holder out there. But he wins in almost every single case he files which becomes a certain game changer.
Now Arnab is learning the ropes to maneuver the conflicts he is forced to encounter. With 150 FIRs filed across India, he is entitled to start an online course on Conflict management, once he is out of them n back to his screaming ritual.

Even running an innocuous spiritual ashram could cause immense conflicts. But the Masters remain at Peace in the midst of them. And deliver what they have come for, by holding benign perceptions on the world around them. Accomodating all conflicts. Cool.

Look at those realised Masters for clues. Inner strength or Atma bhal is what they invoke to deal with conflicts. It's the same Atma nirbhar, PM Modiji is also insisting on.

Time to change our rigid perceptions to attain peace. And coexist with conflicts. They are here to stay in their own thorny formats. Only we need to change.

In this lock down days, sit down n list all the conflicts that cause perennial agony inside you. Except Covid related, of course. Covid exit is just a couple of months away.

Look at each one in your list deeply. Tell yourself what cannot be changed needs to be endured. Changing our hard coded perceptions that hold on to them is a must. But for that, certain mental strength is needed. More technically Atma bhal. That empowers one to deal with any conflict hands down. Then, from bothering boss to bitching neighbour, no one can rob your Peace.

Where do we begin to reach there. Did you ask?

Yes. You guessed it right.

Pray. Chant. Meditate

In the deep realms of mind, your inner strength lie coiled up. Meditate n Unwind.
Unleash that hidden potential. See your Atma bhal acquiring critical mass.
Enough to handle any conflict.
Experience the perceptional change.
Now, no conflict hurts.
Only Peace n joy reign inside.
Aur kya chahiye

Sairam. 😊🙏🌺
R. Chandrashekar
# Blog

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